VIPorts Partners

After a many months long process, and multiple proposals received from the private sector, VIPA narrowed the proposals down to four, of which two of these proposers  submitted bids. 

The selected P3 Partner’s proposal provides VIPA and the U.S. Virgin Islands the best overall value during the development and operational phases of both CEKA and HERA.

VIPorts Partners

Who is the selected bidder?

VIPorts Partners was selected to redevelop both airports on March 26, 2024, with an overwhelming majority of the VIPA Board of Directors concurring.  VIPorts is a world class consortium comprised of the following members:

Terminal Developer

AECON is a premier Canadian publicly traded construction and infrastructure development company, providing a wide range of services including infrastructure development, financing, construction, operations, and maintenance.

Equity Providers

AECON and Tikehau Star Infra focuses primarily on delivering infrastructure projects across the transportation sector.

Airport Operator

AvPorts is a “best in class” airport operator with more than 97 years of experience.

Terminal Architect

Corgan is a global aviation architecture, design, and planning firm.


AECON and J. Benton Construction, with its joint venture partner Consigli Construction, all have construction experience within the U.S. Virgin Islands.


Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP/Dudley Rich LLP

Key Facts

  • The terminal developer to redevelop both CEKA and HERA passenger terminals to include modern airport amenities including the addition of Passenger Boarding Bridges at both Airports that will enhance the customer experience.
  • The airport operator has experience operating airports, in the US and Caribbean, in a safe and efficient manner with a focus on customer experience, while complying with FAA Part 139 requirements.
  • The VIports Partners consists of two firms (Aecon and Tikehau) with strong balance sheets and access to both debt and equity funding.
  • The VIports Partners places a high value on its human capital and will hire all incumbent airport employees that want to transition to the P3 Partner.
  • The VIports Partners will be a committed corporate and social partner with VIPA and more generally in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  • TheVIports Partners will develop, finance, and operate both CEKA and HERA in a manner that embodies the best practices at U.S. and Caribbean airports.